Maintenace schedule: Please be advised that we will be performing a crucial upgrade to your Plesk...
NOC: Emergency Exchange server maintenance – 03 March 2021 21:00 CET
We are applying emergency exchange server maintenance on 03 march 2021 starting from 21:00 CET. There should be no...
Blocking .icu domains due to spam
Blocking .icu domains due to spam.. We aren't big fans of such drastic measures but more of a "finesse" kind of...
NOC: Datacenter maintenance – 20 March 2020 22:00 CET
As always we are trying to improve the technology used within the datacenter. We will be using this time to install...
[completed] Exchange 2016 updates
Update: The work has been completed on schedule. All exchange servers are fully uptodate, increased resources and...