We have been known to develop our own kind of firewall and anti-spam utilities over the years. This time, however, we are taking the big step to release our very first distribution OS to the public. We call it VirtualPF.
VirtualPF is 100% opensource and 100% intended for virtualization platforms, thus eliminating the need to squander an entire server on a firewall. All you need to do is create a VM where you turn VirtualPF on. The key to the build of this software is 100% cluster functionality.
Because we always work with larger environments, we ourselves require clustering and HA firewalls. For this reason we worked and re-coded CARP to function 100% on all virtualization platforms.
We used HTML5 in creating the responsive design of the Firewall GUI. However, in the first Beta the GUI only goes down to tablet size and without the benefit of scroll bars.
The stable release planned in about one month will have a full featured Responsive design, and multi-language support: Chinese, Dutch, German and possibly Spanish!
We hope everyone enjoys this “new type of firewall”.